Outdoor Weddings Tips in Las Vegas

An outdoor wedding venue can be the creme de la creme or unmitigated disasters. Especially in Las Vegas.
The thought of an outdoor wedding venue is extremely appealing to many young, active, outdoorsy couples. They thrive on camping, hiking, fishing, and sightseeing. Or maybe for their special day, the idea of an urban park setting with limitless overhead skies, whether star filled or a sunlit dance floor, are just too compelling to resist.
Some simply want the unfettered openness of an outdoor wedding. No claustrophobic walls and stifling indoor air. No artificiality. Just being real.
While some want to Gucci it up with a chilled glass of champagne at the latest Wolfgang Puck’s for the wedding reception, these other nature warriors prefer perching on logs by smokey fires making smores.
Whatever your motivation and drivers, here are some tips to remember for an outdoor wedding in Las Vegas.
Have a backup if the weather goes south on you
Weather can and will change rapidly in Las Vegas. You might well wake up on the day of your wedding and find unpredictable excessively high temperatures in the forecast. What looked like a moderate day yesterday has now become a literal melting pot. Or worse yet, Vegas, especially in the spring and fall seasons, experiences gale force winds.
It is common to get gusts of sustained winds at 40 miles per hour with bursts up to 60. Should your location be nestled between tall casinos/hotels, the venturi effects make them even worse. Clouds of blowing dust will engulf the entire city and not even rooftops escape the wrath. It’s an awful experience.
Your backup plan might include an alternate outdoor setting that provides shelter, or even move indoors.
Fully embrace and make use of the natural surroundings your outdoor location provides
You selected an outdoor vibe for a reason so don’t short shrift yourselves. Use and incorporate lawns, shade, rocks and boulders, and the like into your layout and how the event is floor planned. Pay attention to foot traffic and how you might use this outdoor setting to create natural stopping points or attractive highlights. What areas are most appropriate for which specific elements or activities?
Pre-plan and take care to accommodate the creature comforts of your guests
For example, fogging the area the day before to clear out pesky insects is very thoughtful, especially when you’re near water or perhaps some other breeding area. For
Make plans for nearby restroom facilities. Perhaps consider arranging for porta-potties with handwashing and sanitation services.
If it’s going to be sultry or in the heat of the day, bring in tents and awnings.
Because it’s Vegas, Have plenty of water or fruit and soft drinks available. Be sure guests know where it is and that it’s easily accessible.
Do not overlook the details
Are you going to need electricity for a PA system, band, lighting, appliances, or accents? Nothing worse than figuring that out on the day of the wedding day!
Is parking or a pathway to the event going to be problematic? Will you need signage to help people find the place?
Remain flexible
The moment you chose to hold the ceremony outdoors, you surrendered a significant level of control. For example, outdoor ceremonies are more susceptible for difficulty with logistics and timing. When a caterer forgets the cake cutter or sterno, it’s not patiently waiting in a nearby drawer. Outdoor settings often equal more expansive areas, meaning it takes more time and the use of different modes of conveyance. We cannot roll a wedding cake along with a cart to its destination when coming across yards of chunky desert rock.
Keep things light and have fun
You came outdoors for comfort and happiness, not to stress and add anxiety. Your personality is most likely to go with the flow and to celebrate experiences. You’ve made the right decision, so kick back and let what will be, be. Happiness to you and yours during your Las Vegas outdoor wedding!
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